Last reflective post! Did I like this activity? Why? :O

I really enjoyed this activity because I love to read and write specially in English. I am a bookworm so I enjoy reading horror books in English and this blog project is going to help me to have a better vocabulary! I also think this idea is a really clever and fun way to learn the different types of text since it is not boring like a test or a quiz. It is more dynamic and it helps you to spell words properly! The part that I didn’t like of this project is that the word limit is too short and it didn’t give me enough time to write all my ideas, thoughts, opinions and experiences but I still had a great time remembering anecdotes and sharing them in my blog. Maybe after this activity I am finally going to start writing a novel that I have been thinking of for a year now but before that I have to finish reading Stephen King’s IT that is 1.500 pages long and Fiódor Dostoyevsky’s Crime and Punishment that has 600 pages in total. Thank you for giving us the chance to express ourselves in this blog !

»Reading is like breathing in, writing is like breathing out» – anonymous.


Third reflective post : What is going to happen? :O (future)

Most of the time I wonder what my goal in life is. Everyone is supposed to be someone in life and I don’t know who I am going to become as I grow older. A mad scientist? A strong -opinioned lawyer? A lying politician? I just don’t know yet but I guess it’s fine because it gives life a drop of curiosity and mystery. Once I heard this sentence: »If you had in your hands a big book that contains your future, even your death day, would you read it?» I was a whole day asking random people if they would read it because here’s the point: If you read it you are not going to be surprised about life, things are going to happen anyways but you are going to be like »I know what is going to happen , I read this». It is like a big spoiler and guess what? Spoilers are the worst thing ever!

So I guess I am just going to live for the moment and wait for the future to come because someday none of this is going to exist: all my classmates are going to be forgotten sooner or later but that doesn’t matter, what matters is that you have a good time and spread love all over the world!

»The best way to predict the future is to CREATE it»- anonymous…


2nd reflective post : favorite people ❤️

One year ago I was in Miss Carol’s room doing the english test to enter to the Thomas Jefferson School with Miss Brianna. I am not going to lie, I was nervous and I never thought I could get accepted into the School but I did. And it was one of the happiest moments in my life.

I was really nervous at first but then I met two amazing girls named Ignacia Sanhueza and  Isidora Fuentes. We are best friends and I can say they’re my favorite people. We always laugh together, create dumb jokes, do random stuff and sometimes they come to my house to «study» and we order pizza. I wonder how my life would be without them . Probably boring and sad because they make the sun shine brighter and when someone in the group makes a mistake, the other 2 are always willing to help her even if they have to say goodbye to their dignities, and that is the most valuable thing in life. Friendship is priceless, I wouldn’t change them for anything, not even for diamonds , for a million dollar price or for a big mansion.

«Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light.» -anonymous.


First reflective post: NYC

The first time I went to New York City I was 8 years old. Today I am 15 years old and I have gone there 6 times. I don’t blame my mother for buying so many plane tickets to New York : it is amazing to go there! The buildings are incredible and the museums taught me more about life than a week at school : in the museum of natural history  you can see at least 10 dinosaur skeletons, at the metropolitan museum you can see famous paintings such as original Picasso compositions and others. When I was 8 I could never understand why adults liked NYC so much but now that I am older I do. It is one of my favorite places on earth : if I could I would live there when I grow up and go to the Empire State building every night to admire the city lights and to enjoy the cold wind in my hair. Last time I went to Manhattan 3 moths ago I cried because I was really excited and happy to go there one more time to admire the beauty of the east coast. We are hoping to go there again next year!

»Travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer» – anonymous.


Resultado de imagen para nyc


Do you like reading?  It gives some people an incomparable pleasure. Think about this scene: you’re tired of using your phone, you dont’t want to play a game of watch a movie ,you want to have fun  without using  thechnology . What do you do? Read a book! If you think its boring, have you ever thought of all the benifits this action gives? Well, if you haven’t, in this post I will tell you good reasons for you to read books!

First of all, it helps you to gain knowledge. Books are a rich source of information. Reading books on varied subjects gives information Whenever you read a book, you learn a new information that otherwise wouldn’t have known. It helps you to become wiser! Another good property is that reading  improves your vocabulary  As you read, you come across new idioms, new words, phrases and writing styles. That is really helpful for your development. In this case you can think »What if I just watch a movie and put the subtitles on?». Well my friend, what if you’re watching a movie and you don’t like how the main character looks or the cute guy is an ugly actor? There’s another reason! When you read you can imagine the characters how you want! You can imagine yourself as the evil witch or as the hero of the story! Isn’t that really cool? The next reason is really important because it helps to save money: If you want to have fun you download a game that can even reach 300 dollars but compared to other forms of entertainment, books are quite cheap. You will never get a movie ticket for $8-$10. But, with this money, you can buy yourself a book and be entertained for many hours and imagine other worlds and stories! And the last but not least reason is that history plays an important role is who we are today. By reading books, we understand better the past and how it continues to affect us. With books, you get a chance to learn about your country, family and the world in general. For example in  sci-fi books you can even imagine the future and have your own opinion on how will the future be! It’s a great way to revisit the past , appreciate the present and think of the future.

So what are you waiting for? go buy a book, read it and have fun learning! 😀


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The super book summary!

Isn’t it boring to have to read a 400-page book for tomorrow for a test? Are you tired of never understanding anything from the book because you just want to finish it? Well, forget about it, because our new app can help you with that! It’s called the super-book summary. You just have to take a picture of the chapter you want to finish and it gives you a 4 line summary telling you the important parts of the chapter. You decide how detailed you want the summary to be. You can also click the button that says ‘character’ and it shows you a list of the characters that appear in the chapter with a little description of their personalities. The color of the app is also customizable so you can have a better time while you read the summary: If your favorite color is pink, you can choose it as the background. The letter font is also customizable and you can choose between 700 letter fonts including Times New Roman, Comic Sans, Classic, Arial and beautiful letters decorated with flowers so you can have fun reading the summary!

Lately, we have been working on a project called the illustration format, where the app immediately draws an illustration according to the text of each chapter. You can choose different filters for the picture, like black and white and the texture. There are different types of drawings like the anime, the childish and a realistic option. It’s up to you to choose which one you prefer. This option costs just 0,99 and it’s a lot more fun to look at pictures and beautiful colors while you read!

This useful app is totally free, and it can save you even 40 minutes of reading. Everyone is getting the app so go get it on play store or app store!


Resultado de imagen para app

Second narrative text (The neighbor)

Once upon a time, in  Mermelade City there was a girl named Ignacia who had long brown hair and big round blue eyes. She was in love with his neighbour called Mondus who had shiny blonde hair and green eyes.
One day, when Ignacia was going to school, she saw Mondus closing the house’s door with a backpack.He was probably heading to school too so she decided to finally talk to his crush. She introduced herself and then he did, she was really nervouse.They talked and talked until they arrived to school and they had to go in different ways because Ignacia was a 7th grader and Mondus was a 9th grader. When Nachi arrived to her clarrsom, she saw one of her friends called Patata with her group talking about her crush. The girl decided to listen and she heard Patata was in love with Mondus too! She freaked out and she ran into the bathroom where she encountered her group of friends composed by Susa Isi and Rocio. Nachi explained the problem and her friends told her to calm down because Patata wasn’t pretty and brave enough to seduce Mondus and Nachi was way prettier than her classmate. The group of friends went out of the bathroom talking about how great was the conversation between Ignacia and her cute neighbour.
The day passed fast and in the afternoon when Ignacia was heading to school she saw Mondus talking to his group of popular friends. She hid behind a bush and she heard the conversation. Rick and Murphy were talking about girls and suddenty Ignacia’s name came out. The girl blushed and listened how Mondus said that she was her cute neighbour and that they talked in the morning. Ignacia was about to explode of redness when she tripped and fell making a lot of noice. Mondus’s  friends turned and laughed at her but Mondus went to help her get up instead. »Are you hurt?» the boy asked. »I’m okay, thank you». They both stared at each other for a while until they realized it was an unconfortable silence. Rick and Murphy coughed and Mondus said he was taking Nachi home. The girl was surprised but happy: his crush finally noticed her! When they arrived home, Mondus said. »So…Um… did you hear me and my friends?» and she replied »Ah… no .I mean yes, I mean no.» They boy laughed showing his white teeth. »Well because if you heard me then you must have noticed that I have a crush on you» The girl was exploding of happiness and she ran home without saying anything. She closed the door behind her and went to her room to scream and scream of happiness. It was the best day of her life! Nachi called her friends to tell them until she fell asleep.
The next day, she woke up really happy and she remember yesterday’s event. For a moment she tought »Oh no! I left him alone in the streets and I didn’t tell him how much i like him. Well, I will today!» . She dressed up fast and ran to school. When she arrived, she saw Patata kissing someone with blonde hair and the boy turned… It was Mondus! Nachi cried and ran into the bathroom. Her friends showed up and tried to show her how unworthy Mondus was, but it was pointless: Ignacia wouldn’t listen to them!
It was time to go home and she saw Mondus aproaching but she ran and avpided him. The boy ran after her and screamed »Let me explain!» But the girl woudn’t listen to him so she went to her room and locked herself up. 3 Hours later when she was more calm and doing homework she heard the dorbell so she went downstairs because her parents weren’t home. She opened the door and saw Mondus with flowers on her hand! »Forgive me, she just came running at me and forced me to kiss her, I would never do that to you, I’ve been in love with you since I was a little kid, so please forgive me». Ignacia believed him, she really did because Patata was often trying to get people’s attention. Nachi recieved the flowers, smelled them and looked at Mondus. »The flowers are beautiful, thank you» Suddently, Mondus kissed Nachi and told her «I love you».
Years later, they got married and had 5 kids. They’re both really happy. Patata however, works as a bathroom cleaner at the mall.


Lately I have experienced a lot of happy moments like when I returned home from Spain 4 days ago and my family was giving me a lot of hugs and telling me that they missed me. What made that moment so satisfying is that I felt loved, important and meaningful. Another moment that made me happy is when I came back from the September holydays and I saw Nachi and Isi who are my best friends. I felt loved too, and since we’re always talking about random stuff I always laugh with them. Finally, I also felt really happy when yesterday I ate chicken with rice. The fact that I was having lunch with my best friends and the chicken was really tasty made those 15 minutes one of the best minutes of the week!


A magic formula ? No way! There is no magic formula for happiness! It’s like this old saying ‘’don’t wait for the perfect moment, take the moment and make it perfect’’. You don’t need to follow a recipe for happiness; you just have to try to make the most of it from your life. But if someone asks me what the ingredients are I would just say to laugh and have a good time: even if it’s raining try to create a rainbow and if it’s dark, look for stars. Because after a storm there’s calm, after the night there’s a morning and after an end there is a new beginning.  I don’t think the ingredients will change as I get older, because I always try to stay positive but what can change is my sense of humor. Maybe if I make a mistake right now I would just laugh with my friends and think ‘’Hey, life’s short and everyone makes mistakes, take it easy. You’re still young!’’. But maybe as I get older I am going to become more serious and that’s one of my biggest fears, but I trust in myself and I hope I will never stop trying to enjoy life !


Resultado de imagen para happiness


I liked Miss Shannon’s post because everything she says is true. Personally, when I’m with family and friends I feel really happy. Yesterday Isi and Nachi went to my house to study mathematics and we had a great time with my family. Also, what she says about equality is true: for example in Concepción there was a big feminist protest that clearly made people more stressed and worried. To avoid that situation, the country that you live in should be more conscious about equality before reaching that point. The other facts are true like ‘’ The Health Factor’’ and even the ‘’If All Else Fails, Fake It’’ article is true! This post didn’t surprise me because she names tips to be happier that are evident for me, like being with friends and family and having some time to rest. Maybe for an unhappy person the post is surprising! Even though Miss Shannon mentions obvious things I liked the post because the facts are all true and the introduction is good too: like I said before, there is no magic formula to happiness; you just have to try to live for the moment but without forgetting to be grateful and respectful with the rest of the world!


Second descriptive text

My cat’s name is Pilu. She’s a female cat that loves to sleep and to scratch the furniture. Her hair is mostly champagne white and she has big caramel brown dots on her back that look like hearts. Her face looks like a square, and she has large eggshell white mustaches above her little mouth. Pirulita’s nose is watermelon pink and it looks like an inverted hairy triangle. The feline’s eyes are really big and brown with chartreuse little dots. Her ears are long, soft, hairy on the inside and they’re pink. You can see her red veins through her ears because they’re really transparent, some people say its creepy. She has soft pink paws that turn brown when she’s out for too long and then we have to wash her with a special cat soap that doesn’t need to rinse off and doesn’t bother her. When we rub the soap, you can see how bubbles are created that come out with brown shades when you rinse her paws. I’ve always said her tail is adorable because when she’s mad it sponges and it looks like a flower called fox tail. It’s really soft and most of the times it’s warm. She is usually happy and cute but when Pirulita was pregnant her breasts were really big and red because they contained white milk to feed her kittens : that made her become colder and more distant. She had 6 kittens and I named them all: The first one to be born was called Nacho because he was small, completely orange and had black dots like a nacho tortilla on his little back. The second one was called Atun which means tuna in English since she always wanted to eat tuna, but it was dangerous for her because she was just a little baby. The third one was completely black and had grey dots on his back so he was named Charcoal. The fourth was named Brownie because he was completely brown and dark! The last two ones were born with a disease: they had no hair, no ears, no tail and they were salmon pink. Unfortunately, we had to take them to the veterinary for them to put them into sleep with a syringe that contained a red liquid because they could not be saved and if we’d let them live they’d live in constant pain. We gave the others in adoption and when there were no cats left Pirulita’s breasts returned to normal, which made her happy.


Resultado de imagen para just born kittens


Let’s eat and eat

Until we forget all our sorrow

Today there’s no sleep

We will dance until tomorrow

Let’s cook the empanadas

Let’s prepre the pino

We should drink all the vino

And finish the cocadas!

Would you give me a chance?

To show you our dance

You have to move your feet

At the cueca’s beat

It’s september the 18th for god’s sake!

Have fun and eat all the steak

Isn’t it cool how in a day

All our problems flew away?



Resultado de imagen para 18 de septiembre


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